System for
Space and
Data Sovereignty

In language, semantics examines what meaning is, how words get their meaning, and how the meaning of a complex expression depends on its parts. A semantic interface takes into consideration the user’s activity and provides context for decisions as well as the flexibility to take actions more closely matching mental models. By understanding the difference between symbols, keywords, and project organization, etc., such a system can semi-automate classification / organization within a user’s personal taxonomy, enable a user to flexibly link and annotate different types of data, and reactively list related items for decision-making context.
Navigate and organize your data with context. Annotate and link emails, browser tabs, files, and more—through a reactive semantic interface.
Digital Filing
Run custom programs across your data local-first. Build a graph database seeded by your personal taxonomy and project organization.
and Space
Choose what information flows reach you and what gets your attention. Trust that you can use technology less to be more present.
Platform for Intentional Thought and Action

Overlay ideas, to-do actions, and interpretable rules directly onto many data types. Customize phone behavior, user interface, and mobile device flows.

A Graph Database allows the connection of data objects of any type. An object corresponds to a node within the database, and an edge connects two objects (consider a driving map where cities are connected by roads). Graphs can enable, for example, hierarchical organization via the “inheritance” of certain properties along certain types of edges (a notion of “implicit” edges). Moreover, the explicit semantic structure of a graph (i.e., how we interpret the structure of the graph based on conventions / rules) can enable intelligent, interpretable assistance to the user (i.e., nearly automatic classification of new data objects according to the user’s personal taxonomy / project organization).
Data Sovereignty and Community Innovation
Users have autonomy and privacy over their data. Core software protocols are open. Innovators can build software-on-software in a vibrant and collaborative marketplace.